Pink Gecko Quilts

2018 | Brand Identity | Minor Campaign

Pink Gecko Quilts is brand for my mom’s quilts if she were to sell them. The trick was balancing the textured, scrappiness of quilting with a system that felt well considered and professional in a competitive landscape of hobbyist.

To achieve this, a stylized monogram was built using squares and right triangles emulating the way traditional quilt blocks are created. A simplified stitching border was adding to bring that concept home. Museo Slab mimicked the stitches, and so I went in and rounded out the serifs to match them even better.


Using the same basic shapes as the monogram, I made a little gecko. And then another, and then a couple more for good measure and put together a pattern fill to use in the packing. I also made a grayed out version for color sensitive areas.


The box is a mailer that could be easily ordered custom printed. The exterior shows off the branding and the fun pattern, while the inside is left fairly neutral so that the colors of the quilt don’t accidentally clash with the brand colors.

The bag made would be specifically for in-person convention sales both making the post-buying experience more pleasant and giving us another chance to advertise to other consumers. The well-considered, clean design is likely to stand out in a crowd where competitors are largely using the cheapest resources available to them.

Social Media

Starting off, Pink Gecko is going to be a fairly small business that will focus on in person sales, but we know that often times people’s interest may be piqued even if a purchase isn’t made. Therefore, it’s important to us to build a social media presence that reinforces the brand. Based on our target audience, Facebook is likely our bread and butter for social media interaction, but Instagram can serve well as a miniature portfolio.


Rather than opting to slap a logo or graphic on the front of the shirt and call it a day, I figured it made sense to use the little lizards as a mascot and reference a curious, playful nature.

So there he is, popping out of the little shirt pocket, being adorable.